Last night we thinking about what to make for dinner and we came up with a home run pizza. We used the left over fig and onion sauce from the Fig and Onion Caramelle we made on Friday as the topping for a pizza using some pizza dough sitting in the refrigerator.
Here is what the pizza looked like after having rolled out the dough, covering it with the fig and onion sauce and adding some bacon and mozzarella cheese.

Fig and Onion Pizza Dressed and Ready For the BBQ
With the BBQ heated to a little over 500°, it cooked for six minutes.
While the pizza was cooking Jo Ann whipped up some haricot vert and shallots that were also in the refrigerator.

Haricot Vert with Shallots
We paired this with a 2013 Calixa Syrah from Monte Xanic, which was an excellent wine for the sweet and salty taste of the pizza. The final result came out great, all from using left overs that we kind of threw together.

Fig and Onion Pizza Fresh Off The BBQ
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